If you are ready to make a commitment to yourself and your relationship, change is possible. We are experienced in treating individuals and couples diverse in their expressions of sexuality as well as cultural background. We can help maximize your individual and relationship strengths, enhance the quality of your communication, and help to restore L.I.F.E (Love, Intimacy, Fondness, Eroticism) to your relationship. We take a collaborative, non-judgmental approach to help you acquire a higher level of awareness, tackle problematic behaviors, and increase positive thoughts and feelings that can lead to a greater sense of control and empowerment over your life. Our belief is that your decision to seek therapy is a sign of strength, courage, and respect for your personal and relationship well-being. Often, the most difficult step in any journey is the first. Congratulations on starting the process, and regardless of where you are in your journey, we welcome an opportunity to assist you.